Release 4.7 is all about boosting your content strategy, from content planning and analysis to content maintenance. On top of that, explore the new possibilities custom widgets open up for your platform and gather priceless insights from your employees to steer content creation or any other company initiatives in the right direction. To wrap up an exciting release, we have five features leaving beta and a host of other improvements all coming to you on May 6th!
Your strategic communications tool has arrived with Campaigns! The Campaigns dashboard brings the big picture into focus for your strategic content team and shows engagement trends with side-by-side analytics. Compare the success of different campaigns or even individual posts within a campaign to find out what’s really engaging your employees.
Custom Widgets
Love all the widgets available to you? Things just got even better. Build powerful widgets tailored specifically to your needs with our new custom widget framework. With the new Custom Widgets page in the Studio, your administrators can easily install and make custom widgets available to editors, who in turn can use them on News and Pages just like the standard widgets offered by Staffbase.
Employee Surveys
If you liked our beta Quick Pulse Survey plugin last release, you’re going to love the new question types coming with Employee Surveys. Now, in addition to 5-star rating questions, you can create scale rating questions and open-ended text questions. More question types mean more freedom to create nuanced questions and collect different types of input from your employees!
Update Reminders for Pages
It's hard keeping up with lots of pages. Update reminders are here to help! Now, you’ll see a handy reminder in the Pages overview and right in the editor when a page hasn't been updated in a while. You can even configure reminders to a rhythm that fits the needs of your content —some pages need checking annually and others biweekly. No sweat! Test update reminders and keep your pages fresh!
List Default for Calendars
We’ve changed the default view for the Calendar plugin! Now, calendar events display by default in a list view instead of a calendar view. This makes it easier to get an overview of events, whether there are many on one day or are spaced out over time. Don’t worry, though! Users can still use the calendar view by switching to the calendar tab.
Improved Page Overview
The improved Pages overview has left beta and will be rolled out to all customers! Now you can sort pages by published date, last update, published status, or title, and take a variety of quick actions right from the overview.
- The on-page search function introduced in our last release is leaving beta! This means all users can now search for results directly on pages from both desktop and mobile devices!
- It’s now possible to configure which menu entries will be shown on mobile or desktop. This way you can customize the content menu to suit both an easy-to-navigate app as well as a content-rich intranet. For mobile devices, you can keep the menu short, while on desktop your menu can offer the full range of entries and complex navigation structures. Previously available as a beta, this feature is now available to all our customers. Learn more about the menu configuration in our step-by-step guide.
- The Staffbase platform now supports two new interface languages - Ukrainian and Estonian - and three new content languages: Urdu, Marshallese, and Indonesian.
Plugins and Widgets
- The Quick Pulse Survey plugin and its convenient new functionalities will be available to all employee app and intranet customers! You can now preview questions before sending them and target your survey to specific segments of your users. This means you can customize surveys specifically for different users at your organization.
- The Chat interface is now fully accessible for users using screen readers!
- The Group Subscription widget and Embedded Page widget are being rolled out to all Dynamic Pages customers. These two handy widgets will now appear automatically in the Add widget dialog.
Included Minor Releases Since 4.6
4.7.1 - April 13, 2021
- The minimum version for native apps has been raised to 4.0. Users that are still using older app versions will receive a notice to update their app.
- Haitian Creole is now available as a content language.
- On pages and news posts, all editors can now select user groups in the Group Subscription widget.
- In News, Journeys and Pages, the dialogue for adding a new language has been adapted for better usability.
- Scheduling Quick Pulse surveys is now more flexible. When clicking End Survey for a recurring survey, the current round is ended and the next round will start automatically as scheduled.
Bug Fixes
- User synchronization via LDAP was not working correctly. This has been fixed.
- Due to changes in Youtube’s cookie settings, it was not possible to add Youtube videos in the European region. This has been fixed and it is now possible to add Youtube videos to the Staffbase platform again.
- In News, email notifications were resent even after a post was published with email notifications and later disabled for the channel. This has been fixed and email notifications are no longer sent.
- In News, the dialogue to add a new language did not react when clicked on. This has been fixed.
- In the Studio, changes in the order of the news channels were not saved in some cases. This has been fixed and the changes are now saved again.
- In the settings for Pages, sometimes the visibility settings did not display. This has been fixed.
- In pages, if an API token was assigned as a page editor, other editors could not save the page settings. This has been fixed.
4.6.5 - March 23, 2021
- It's now possible to sign users out of the app using our User API. This allows the offboarding process to be automated.
- When performing a user export for selected user groups, the search logic has been improved to help the administrators search for groups more easily.
- We’ve made performance improvements to Statistics to make the feature more robust.
- The order of columns in CSV files exported from Statistics has changed.
- Now, when users add a public email address to their user profile, only valid email addresses are accepted.
- We've improved the user experience in the settings for Pages. The setting for visibility in the public area is now in a checkbox format for enhanced clarity.
- The height of the Hero Image widget has been optimized for mobile devices. This new format requires a native app update.
Bug Fixes
- In the newsfeed, when users clicked the link to read more on news teasers the news post did not open. This has been fixed and the news post opens as expected.
- In the News editor, the dialogue to add a new language displayed incorrectly. This has been fixed and all actions and settings are accessible again.
- When editing a scheduled survey in the Quick Pulse Survey plugin, the previously set end time was automatically changed to 10 am. This has been fixed.
- In the Quick Pulse Survey plugin, if the visibility of a survey was set for specific users or user groups, notifications were still sent to everyone in the space. This has been fixed and only users with access to the survey receive a notification.
- For quick pulse surveys added in multiple languages, if the original language instance was deleted, all texts for all translations were removed. This has been fixed.
- When synchronizing users via the SCIM API, users were not automatically set to their conditional groups. This has been fixed.
- When the app default language was changed, it was not possible to rename user groups in some cases. This has been fixed.
- If the option to show invitations is turned on, pending users with no first and last name were displayed in the Employee Directory with their identifier. This has been fixed and such users are no longer displayed in the Employee Directory.
- In the Studio, under Registered Users, administrators couldn’t see if users had a public email address associated with them. This has been fixed.
- On iOS devices, group administrators in Chat can now leave the group again without error.
- In the News Stage widget, posts did not open when users clicked once on the image or header. This has been fixed and posts now open after one click.
- In the Plugin widget, scrolling was still possible in Forms even when the setting was disabled. This has now been fixed.
- In News, the play button on video thumbnails was not centered. This has been fixed.
4.6.4 - March 9, 2021
- New date range filters are now available in the search. Users can select a specific date range when searching for content like news posts, pages, or plugins.
- In the Meal Plan plugin, dates on which no meals were added are now hidden.
Bug Fixes
- In certain cases, when registering for the app for the first time via single sign-on, the order of onboarding steps was incorrect. This has been fixed. Now, users must confirm legal documents before moving on to other steps in the onboarding.
- Clicking the link in the password recovery email now auto-fills the recovery code field correctly.
- In some cases images in portrait orientation and resized images displayed distorted. This has been fixed, however, affected images will need to be re-uploaded to display correctly.
- On Pages, file names were not displayed in some cases when a File List widget was placed in an Accordion widget. This has been fixed.
- In Chat, video attachments are no longer sent multiple times.
- In News, when opening a video to fullscreen the view jumped to the top of the page. This has been fixed.
- In the Studio, users’ email addresses were displayed in the list view and not in the detailed view. This has been fixed.
- In the Studio, group administrators were not able to search users by their email in order to add them to the user groups. This has been fixed.
- If the title of a user group contained consecutive empty spaces, users could not find the user group via search. This has been fixed.
- In the statistics dashboard, the search results were not automatically updated while typing when searching for channels. This has been fixed and the search results are now automatically updated.
- The Event Registration plugin now only displays up to 1000 upcoming events and 200 past events. This improves the plugin’s performance and stability.
4.6.3 - February 23, 2021
- Indonesian (Bahasa Indonesia) is now available as a content language.
- The help text for configuring legal documents has been improved to help administrators configure and resend legal documents for confirmation.
- The heading of a column in the file exported using user export has been improved to better match the data specified in the file. Administrators now have a better overview when exporting.
- In Chat, we've continued making accessibility improvements for users using screen readers on desktop devices.
Bug Fixes
- In certain cases, switching between the employee app and the Studio resulted in the user being accidentally signed out. This has been fixed.
- When using a screen reader in Chat on desktop, the focus was incorrect after returning to the inbox from the screen to create a new message. This has been fixed.
- In the Chat inbox, users with screen readers enabled on Internet Explorer could not select the message preview. This problem has been resolved.
- In News, infinite scrolling did not work as expected in some cases. This has been fixed.
- The number of shares was not displayed in the statistics for news posts. This has been fixed.
- In the Pages editor, the cursor displayed as disabled after selecting a widget in some cases. This has been fixed.
- It’s now possible to deactivate the “Published by” search filter.
4.6.2 - February 9, 2021
- Now, Staffbase supports Ukrainian and Estonian as interface languages and Urdu and Marshallese as content languages.
- In the configuration dialog for the News Feed and News Stage widgets, infinite scrolling is now possible in the dropdown to select a news channel.
- To simplify the search, the search field in the menu header is cleared once the search results page with its own search field opens.
- In the Plugin widget, you can now load all instances of a plugin from the dropdown menu and search for specific instances.
- When editing a plugin from the end-user view, it is now possible to scroll in the editing dialog.
- Error messages that occur while scheduling a quick pulse survey have been improved to provide clearer information on what went wrong.
- In Forms, error messages for required fields can now be read aloud with screen reader voice output, improving accessibility.
- In Chat, we've made accessibility improvements for users using screen readers on Internet Explorer.
- In News, it is now possible to access the comments section via the tab navigation, improving accessibility.
Bug Fixes
- In certain cases, legal documents were displayed with incorrect formatting. This has been fixed.
- When resending a notification, the user's profile picture displayed in the notification center instead of the primary article picture. This has been fixed and the primary article image is now displayed in the notification again.
- In the search, a preview image in the search results was missing from articles with videos as the primary article media. This has been fixed.
- Using SCIM with Okta for deprovisioning users from Staffbase did not function as expected. This has been fixed.
- In rare cases, smart language detection did not function as expected. Instead, the content was displayed in the app's default language. This has been fixed.
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