Open the team administration and click on Basic to find your team settings. Here, you can change the team name and team picture or delete the whole team.
In this menu, you can add new users with the pink plus button and invite them to your team. To send the invitation, it is necessary to fill out the mandatory fields: email address, first name, last name, role, and language.
All mentioned fields except the role can be changed afterward by the user.
As long as the invited user does not yet have access to Communications Control, he or she will get an email with a link that leads to the registration form. After successful registration, the user is part of the team.
When the email address is already assigned to a user in Communications Control, the user receives a team invitation via email. If the invitation is not accepted by the user, it will not lose its validity.
The checkmark in the status column of the user shows that the invitation has been successfully accepted. Pending invitations are marked by a pink clock icon. By clicking this icon, you can send email reminders.
With the trashcan icon, users can be permanently deleted from the team. This icon appears under the check mark as a mouseover effect.
A successor must be nominated before a user can be deleted successfully. Optionally, the activity history can be saved. This way, the user activity will be saved under his name.
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