In the content module, you may get error messages if, for example, not all mandatory fields have been filled in before saving. In this article, you will find an overview of the most common messages, including an explanation of what they mean and instructions on how to fix the errors.
An overview of all listed errors:
"The asset is not yet processed"
The message "The asset is not yet processed" means that the image is not yet completely uploaded. The upload depends on the speed of the DSL connection. Once the image is uploaded, the error message disappears.
"The audience size of the targeting is less than 300."
This error message is displayed when a LinkedIn post is saved including too small audience within the targeting options. LinkedIn only allows posts to be promoted if the audience exceeds a value of 300. Make some changes to the targeting until the target value exceeds 300 and you can save the content.
"You need to have ownership of this link on Facebook to publish carousel posts!"
This error message appears when you add a link to Facebook carousel posts that is not associated with your Facebook account. Accordingly, you can only use links in carousel posts if you are the domain owner. If you are the owner of the domain or link, please follow these instructions to connect the domain to Facebook. After that, you can use the link in carousel posts.
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