Languages are divided into the direction in which the script is written and read. Languages written and read from left to right are called LTR (left-to-right) languages. Languages where the script is written and read from right to left are RTL (right-to-left) languages. Staffbase supports both LTR and RTL languages in order to provide your users with the best experience.
RTL languages that are supported in the App and Intranet:
- Arabic
- Hebrew
- Urdu
- Pasthu / Pushtu
- Persian
When a user switches from an LTR language to RTL language, the user interface is mirrored. This means not only is the text mirrored, but the general layout and icons also align with RTL conventions.
RTL Language Support Limitations
When setting up RTL languages for your organization, there are certain limitations you need to be aware of.
Most of the Studio is not yet RTL compliant except for parts of the Forms and Event Registration plugin.
Certain plugins
RTL support is not yet fully extended to plugins, such as:
- Maps
- Launchpad
- Custom plugins
How the Difference Looks to Users
The interface, layout, and text adapt according to the language chosen in the App or Intranet.
Some of the examples are:
- The Search
- Statistics and edit options above a post
- Notification settings page
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