The table view is one of the standard views in dirico and therefore is found in almost all modules. These include: task management, ideas, topics, content, events, inspiration module, and digital asset management.
The structure of the table view can be customized with just a few clicks. There are three areas: the column width, the column order, and the visible columns.
Overview of the topics within this article:
Adjusting the column width
Open the table view in one of the above modules.
Click on the table icon.
Select the topmost option, Resize columns, in the dropdown menu.
Move your cursor to the corner to the right of the column whose width you want to change. Once your cursor takes the shape of an arrow, hold it down and drag the column as small or wide as you like.
Repeat step 4 until all columns have the desired width.
To save your changes, click the X in the blue box above the table.
Adjusting the column order
You can also freely determine the order of individual columns. To do this, proceed as follows:
Open the table view and click on the table icon (see step 1 + 2 in "Adjusting the column width"). Select the middle option, Reorder columns, in the dropdown menu.
Move the columns by dragging and dropping (holding the cursor and dragging to where the column is needed).
Repeat step 2 until all columns are in the desired position.
To save your changes, click the X in the blue box above the table.
Determining the visible columns
Open the table view and click the table icon (see steps 1 + 2 in "Customizing the column width"). Select the lowest option, Visible columns, of the dropdown menu.
In the dropdown menu, place a checkmark next to all fields that shall be displayed in the table. In case unnecessary fields are checked, uncheck them.
To save the changes, click to the left of the dropdown menu in the table.
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