The filter is available in all standard modules of Communications Control (except the Dashboard) and helps you to precisely narrow down displayed results.
The filter is available using the following icon.
Clicking on the corresponding icon opens an area on the right side of the page, where you can provide it with all the general conditions you need. Select from:
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The filter options listed above are available within the Content module. The filter option selection may vary from module to module.
How to use the filter:
Open the filter by clicking on the filter icon.
Click on the Add filter option button.
Select one of the filter options from the list that opens.
The corresponding field will appear above the Add Filter Option button and will be displayed in the Options drop-down list within the Selected Fields section.
Repeat steps 2 + 3 until all desired filter options are selected. (see example 1)
Note: You can select fields multiple times. They will be treated as different filter options, meaning they will be connected with an AND operation (see example 2). -
Fill the selected fields of your filter with the corresponding data. To do this, click on the respective field and select the appropriate data from the dropdown menu.
Optional: Save the filter you just created for quick and easy reuse at a later time. More on that here.
Click the Apply Filter button. Once clicked, only the content that matches the filter options will be displayed in the background. To browse the list, close the filter (X in the upper right corner) or click in the grey area.
Example 1: Using the filter options once (simple)
If you have selected the Tags option in the filter and entered Tag #1 and Tag #2 here, and selected the Topics filter option with the selection set to Topic X, the following will be displayed: All content associated with Topic X that has been tagged with one of the two tags (#1 or #2).
Thus, there is the OR relation between the tags and the AND relation between both options (tags and topics).
Example 2: Using the filter options several times (dynamic)
If we now extend the filter of our first example by the multiple use of tags (=AND-combination) by including tag #3, we get the following result:
All content associated with topic X that has been tagged with one of the top two tags (#1 or #2) and additionally with tag #3.
The following video was recorded back when Communications Control was still known as dirico. We will provide an updated version of the video as soon as possible.
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