Due to a technical anomaly in the interface to Staffbase, update posts do not display the author name but the description of the corresponding API token.
To display the author's name in Communications Control, follow this instruction:
Open Staffbase and navigate to the Studio.
Click on the gear to the left of your profile picture and navigate to System API > Access.
This will display all API tokens associated with an external application or tool (such as Communications Control). -
Scroll down to the token linked to Communications Control and select the edit button in the associated row.
A popup opens, displaying the properties of the API token. In the topmost field, Designation, enter the name of the respective user and click Save.
If the channel was already linked to Communications Control, there is one more step: open the Team Management and navigate to the Content Settings Channels section. Remove the channel whose name was changed and link it again. After that, the correct name will appear when creating Staffbase updates.
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