Campaigns are a way to set, track, and analyze your strategic content goals. Creating a content strategy from scratch can be daunting, but Campaigns makes it easy to get started. If you already have a strategy in place and are looking for a way to unify your data, Campaigns brings access to content and metrics together in one easy dashboard. Contact Staffbase Support or your Customer Success Manager for more information.
Benefits of Campaigns
Make your strategic goals clear and accessible for your content team. For every campaign you create, you can add a campaign goal. This goal is displayed in the overview and detailed view for campaigns, so system-wide editors and administrators always have it in mind when managing and evaluating content.
See the editorial timeline for posts at a glance. Beyond this convenient overview, you can directly create new posts and edit drafts from the detailed view of the campaign. Labels with the published status of each assigned post make it easy to quickly see how many posts have been published, scheduled, and are in the pipeline.
Campaigns let you dive into analytics on a macro and micro level. See side by side, which posts in a campaign fared best, and, on a broader scale, which campaigns are creating the most engagement among your readership. Statistics, such as the number of likes, comments, and visits are readily available for each post in a campaign, as well as the campaign as a whole.
Align content with strategy and understand the impact your communications have on your business objectives with Campaigns.
Editing a Campaign
Once you have created a campaign, you can edit it at any time to fit your needs.
In the Studio, navigate to Planning > Campaigns > the campaign you want to edit.
Click the three-dot menu.
Click Edit.
The Edit Campaign dialog opens. -
Edit any section of the campaign.
Click Save.
You have edited the campaign. Any changes are reflected immediately.
Deleting a Campaign
In the Studio, navigate to Planning > Campaigns > the campaign you want to delete.
Click the three-dot menu.
Click Delete.
The Delete Campaign dialog opens. -
Click Delete to confirm or Cancel to go back.
You have successfully deleted the campaign. Any posts previously assigned to this campaign have been unassigned.
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