A bounce is recorded any time an email message cannot be delivered by Employee Email to a specific email address, for a variety of reasons:
A hard bounce occurs when an email message is returned to the sender because the recipient's address is invalid. What the recipient email server treats as a hard bounce differs between configurations.
A soft bounce occurs when the server rejects an email due to a seemingly temporary condition such as a full inbox, a connection that cannot be established, or other intermittent technical issues.
Soft bounces will not get marked as a bounce. Instead, Employee Email will continue to try to deliver the message until it’s delivered, or until the recipient mail server returns a hard bounce.

As part of the Employee Email web app's features, which allow you to create and manage your own distribution lists, you may encounter some recipient email addresses returning bounces in your email stats.
With web app sending enabled, the app will provide a report of all hard bounced contacts for a given email, as well as a way to download these problem contacts, and instructions for fixing them.
Any contacts included within the bounced contact list will be filtered out of the directory so they will not be included in future communications unless they are marked Safe to Send.
What does marking a bounced record Safe to Send do?
Marking a bounced record as Safe to Send indicates that this recipient’s email address is correct, and something other than an invalid email address caused the bounce.
You may want to do this if you can verify that the recipient’s email address is entered correctly, and the reason the email bounced is likely a temporary and/or intermittent technical issue.

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