In case you have forgotten your password, it can be reset. If you entered your email address in the system earlier, you can easily request an email with a recovery code.
If you did not receive the email to reset your password, check the following:
Did you type the email address correctly?
If you made a mistake, you can simply go back to the login form and request the email with the recovery code again. -
Did you check your spam folder?
Sometimes emails with links are classified as spam. -
Did you enter the correct email address?
In some employee apps, users have a login email address and a different public email address. You need to use your login email address to reset your account. -
Is everything all right with your account?
Contact your app administrator to make sure your account is still active. Your app administrator might also be able to help you by sending the reset password email from within the system. -
Are there technical issues?
Contact your IT administrator to ask whether your company’s internal firewall blocks emails of this kind.
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