Interactive news channels allow your users to post news, exchange opinions, and share pieces of their lives with their colleagues. They increase interaction in your Staffbase platform and create a sense of community among your employees.
Use Cases
The use cases below are a few examples of how you can set up interactive news channels for your employees to use.
Social Wall
Create a social wall for users to post their most recent life updates or share team moments together. Connect remote employees or different departments through prompts or competitions, creating a community feeling.
Bulletin Board
Use the interactive news channel for a specific office or area to build a bulletin board. This channel can allow users to buy, sell, or give away items conveniently by sharing in the local community.
Company-Wide Event
A large-scale event or month-long challenge is a perfect reason to inspire your employees to post in the App or Intranet. Open a news channel to encourage them to post comments or photos relating to the event, fostering interaction and social connections across the company.
How an Interactive News Channel Looks for Users
Your users can create their own posts and have meaningful interactions in the news channel.
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